Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

  • 2

    Introduction & Overview

    • RCA Overview

    • RCA Fundamentals - Documents for Download

    • Quick Quiz for Introduction & Overview

  • 3

    Preserve: Acquire Data

    • Preserve

    • How to Obtain the Data

    • Why Obtain the Data

    • Mining Haul Truck Case Study

    • Preserve - Documents for Download

    • Quick Quiz for Preserve Section

  • 4

    Order: Assign Resources

    • Order

    • Quick Quiz for Order Section

  • 5

    Analyze: Identify Cause

    • Identify Causes

    • Build The Logic Tree

    • Analyze - Documents for Download

    • Quick Quiz for Analyze Section

  • 6

    Communicate: Present Findings and Recommendations

    • Communicate

    • Communicate - Documents for Download

    • Quick Quiz for Communicate Section

  • 7

    Track: Measuring For Bottom-Line Results

    • Track

    • Quick Quiz for Track Section

  • 8

    RCA Next Steps

    • Next Steps

    • Final Exam for Certification

    • RCA Next Steps - Documents for Download

  • 9

    Course Manual & Survey

    • Course Manual

    • Course Survey